Mumbai to Kottayam Train Time Table Get information on arrival and departure times of all trains passing from Mumbai to Kottayam.
The distance between Mumbai and Kottayam is 1670 km . The time taken to cover the distance is 1 day 2 hours 50 minutes . The distance and time values are average values of all trains across all routes between the two stations.
Schedule of Trains from Mumbai to Kottayam Train Departure Arrival 22654, Hazrat Nizamuddin - Thiruvananthapuram Central Weekly Superfast Express Runs on TUE 06:45 Mumbai* 10:47 Kottayam 22660, Dehradun - Kochuveli Sup Express Runs on TUE 11:00 Mumbai* 11:37 Kottayam 16381, Kanyakumari Express Runs on ALL DAYS 15:45 Mumbai* 06:27 Kottayam 12201, Kochuveli Garib Rath Runs on MON FRI 16:55 Lokmanyatilak 16:42 Kottayam 22113, Lokmanyatilak - Kochuveli Bi-weekly Express Runs on TUE SAT 16:55 Lokmanyatilak 16:42 Kottayam 12201, Kochuveli Garib Rath Runs on MON FRI 17:20 Thane 16:42 Kottayam 22113, Lokmanyatilak - Kochuveli Bi-weekly Express Runs on TUE SAT 17:20 Thane 16:42 Kottayam 12201, Kochuveli Garib Rath Runs on MON FRI 18:10 Panvel 16:42 Kottayam 22113, Lokmanyatilak - Kochuveli Bi-weekly Express Runs on TUE SAT 18:10 Panvel 16:42 Kottayam 16311, Bikaner Jn - Kochuveli Expres Runs on WED 20:30 Vasai Road 23:12 Kottayam 16333, Veraval - Thiruvananthapuram Central Express Runs on THU 20:40 Vasai Road 23:12 Kottayam 16335, Nagercoil Express Runs on FRI 20:40 Vasai Road 23:12 Kottayam 19260, Bhavnagar Trmus - Kochuveli Express Runs on SUN 20:40 Vasai Road 23:12 Kottayam 16311, Bikaner Jn - Kochuveli Expres Runs on WED 22:05 Panvel 23:12 Kottayam 16333, Veraval - Thiruvananthapuram Central Express Runs on THU 22:05 Panvel 23:12 Kottayam 16335, Nagercoil Express Runs on FRI 22:05 Panvel 23:12 Kottayam 19260, Bhavnagar Trmus - Kochuveli Express Runs on SUN 22:05 Panvel 23:12 Kottayam
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