Bhopal Jn to Manmad Jn Train Time Table This is a listing of arrival and departure times of all trains passing from Bhopal Jn (code: BPL) to Manmad Jn (code: MMR) railway stations.
The distance between Bhopal Jn and Manmad Jn is 582 km . The time taken to cover the distance is 9 hours . The distance and time values are average values of all trains across all routes between the two stations.
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Schedule of Trains from Bhopal Jn to Manmad Jn Train Departure Arrival 12716, Amritsar Jn - Nanded Sachkhand Express Runs on ALL DAYS 00:20 08:55 12780, Goa Express Runs on ALL DAYS 01:15 09:45 14314, Ltt - Bareilly Runs on SUN 04:20 14:02 12533, Pushpak Superfast Express Runs on ALL DAYS 06:05 14:17 17019, Ajmer - Hyderabad Decan Express Runs on WED 06:20 16:20 12628, New Delhi - Ksr Bengaluru Karnataka Express Runs on ALL DAYS 07:00 15:10 22130, Tulsi Express Runs on TUE THU 07:05 15:55 11072, Kamayani Express Runs on ALL DAYS 07:40 17:27 12162, Lashkar Express Runs on SUN 08:15 17:17 15029, Gorakhpur - Pune Jn Express Runs on FRI 09:35 19:35 22456, Kalka - Sainagar Siridi Superfast Train Runs on MON FRI 10:35 19:05 11058, Amritsar Jn - Mumbai Cst Express Runs on ALL DAYS 11:15 21:45 11016, Kushinagar Express Runs on ALL DAYS 12:00 22:15 12144, Sultanpur - Lokmanyatilak Superfast Special Runs on TUE 14:45 22:42 15101, Jansadharan Express Runs on WED 16:30 01:05 12104, Lucknow Junction - Pune Jn Express Runs on SUN 16:30 01:10 12138, Punjab Mail Runs on ALL DAYS 16:55 01:50 12782, Swarna Jayanthi Express Runs on MON 17:10 02:10 12148, Hazrat Nizamuddin - Kolhapur Express Runs on THU 17:10 02:10 11408, Lucknow Junction - Pune Jn Express Runs on THU 18:35 03:45 12630, Samparkranthi Express Runs on WED FRI 19:25 03:45 22686, Chandigarh - Yesvantpur Jn Bi Weekly Express Runs on TUE SAT 19:25 03:45 12618, Mangala Lakshadweep Express Runs on ALL DAYS 19:45 04:22 11078, Jhelum Express Runs on ALL DAYS 22:20 07:45
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