Vizag to Chatrapur Train Time Table Get information on arrival and departure times of all trains passing from Vizag to Chatrapur.
The distance between Vizag and Chatrapur is 296 km . The time taken to cover the distance is 4 hours 35 minutes . The distance and time values are average values of all trains across all routes between the two stations.
Schedule of Trains from Vizag to Chatrapur Train Departure Arrival 18646, Hyderabad Decan - Howrah Jn East Coast Express Runs on ALL DAYS 00:13 Simhachalam 04:47 Chatrapur 22880, Tirupati - Bhubaneswar Superfast Weekly Runs on MON 02:20 Visakhapatnam 06:55 Chatrapur 18402, Okha - Puri Weekly Express Runs on FRI 02:20 Visakhapatnam 06:55 Chatrapur 22872, Tirupati - Bhubaneswar Superfast Weekly Runs on TUE 02:20 Visakhapatnam 06:55 Chatrapur 17480, Tirupati - Puri Express Runs on SUN TUE WED THU SAT 05:00 Vizag* 10:00 Chatrapur 22860, Chennai Central - Puri Superfast Weekly Runs on TUE 06:35 Visakhapatnam 11:15 Chatrapur 17016, Secunderabad Jn - Bhubaneswar Visakha Runs on ALL DAYS 07:35 Vizag* 12:40 Chatrapur 12840, Chennai Central - Howrah Jn Mail Runs on ALL DAYS 13:20 Visakhapatnam 17:55 Chatrapur 18464, Ksr Bengaluru - Bhubaneswar Prasanthi Runs on ALL DAYS 13:35 Visakhapatnam 18:10 Chatrapur 22820, Visakhapatnam - Bhubaneswar Superfast Express Runs on ALL DAYS 15:20 Vizag* 20:04 Chatrapur 18516, Visakhapatnam - Tatanagar Jn Weekly Express Runs on SUN 17:50 Vizag* 22:15 Chatrapur 11019, Konark Express Runs on ALL DAYS 21:20 Visakhapatnam 01:50 Chatrapur 22884, Yesvantpur Jn - Puri Garibrath Weekly Runs on SUN 22:25 Visakhapatnam 02:37 Chatrapur 22810, Visakhapatnam - Paradeep Weekly Superfast Express Runs on SUN 23:50 Visakhapatnam 04:18 Chatrapur 18507, Visakhapatnam - Amritsar Jn Hirakud Express Runs on MON THU FRI 23:50 Visakhapatnam 04:18 Chatrapur 18646, Hyderabad Decan - Howrah Jn East Coast Express Runs on ALL DAYS 23:55 Visakhapatnam 04:47 Chatrapur
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