Indian Railways Train Time Table

Samakhiali B G to Kolkata Train Time Table

Get information on arrival and departure times of all trains passing from Samakhiali B G to Kolkata.

The distance between Samakhiali B G and Kolkata is 2379 km. The time taken to cover the distance is . The distance and time values are average values of all trains across all routes between the two stations.

Schedule of Trains from Samakhiali B G to Kolkata
22829, Bhuj - Shalimar Express
Runs on TUE
Samakhiali B G
12937, Garbha Express
Runs on SAT
Samakhiali B G
Howrah Jn

Asterisk (*) indicates multiple railway stations for boarding the train at source or to disembark at destination. Click on the train name to find the arrival time/ departure time at your preferred station.

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