Madurai Jn to Villupuram Jn Train Time Table This is a listing of arrival and departure times of all trains passing from Madurai Jn (code: MDU) to Villupuram Jn (code: VM) railway stations.
The distance between Madurai Jn and Villupuram Jn is 347 km . The time taken to cover the distance is 6 hours 15 minutes . The distance and time values are average values of all trains across all routes between the two stations.
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Schedule of Trains from Madurai Jn to Villupuram Jn Train Departure Arrival 12651, Madurai Jn - Hazrat Nizamuddin Express Runs on SUN TUE 00:15 05:48 12641, Kanyakumari - Hazrat Nizamuddin Tirukkural Express Runs on THU SAT 00:15 05:48 56706, Madurai Jn - Villupuram Jn Passenger Runs on ALL DAYS 02:15 11:35 12636, Madurai Jn - Chennai Egmore Vaigai Express Runs on ALL DAYS 07:00 11:53 16352, Nagarcoil Jn - Mumbai Cst Express Runs on SUN THU 09:55 15:35 16128, Guruvayur Chennai Express Runs on ALL DAYS 11:15 17:10 12666, Kanyakumari - Howrah Jn Express Runs on SAT 12:50 18:50 82602, Tirunelveli - Chennai Egmore Suvidha Special Runs on SUN 17:30 23:40 11044, Lokamanya Tt Express Runs on SAT 18:00 23:40 16780, Rameswaram - Tirupati Tri-wkly Express Runs on MON THU SAT 19:00 03:10 06062, Tirunelveli - Chengalpattu Special Runs on THU 19:25 02:40 12638, Madurai Jn - Chennai Egmore Pandian Express Runs on ALL DAYS 20:35 02:18 22624, Madurai Jn - Chennai Egmore Superfast Runs on THU SAT 21:15 04:18 12668, Nagarcoil Jn - Chennai Egmore Express Runs on FRI 21:15 02:25 12662, Sengottai - Chennai Egmore Pothigai Express Runs on ALL DAYS 21:20 03:05 12634, Kanyakumari - Chennai Egmore Express Runs on ALL DAYS 21:50 03:30 12632, Tirunelveli - Chennai Egmore Nellai Express Runs on ALL DAYS 22:10 03:48 12694, Tuticorin - Chennai Egmore Pearl City Express Runs on ALL DAYS 22:50 04:33 16724, Thiruvananthapuram Central - Chennai Egmore Ananthapuri Express Runs on ALL DAYS 23:05 04:55 16106, Tiruchendur - Chennai Egmore Express Runs on ALL DAYS 23:45 08:15
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