Howrah Jn to Jajpur K Road Train Time Table This is a listing of arrival and departure times of all trains passing from Howrah Jn (code: HWH) to Jajpur K Road (code: JJKR) railway stations.
The distance between Howrah Jn and Jajpur K Road is 340 km . The time taken to cover the distance is 5 hours 11 minutes . The distance and time values are average values of all trains across all routes between the two stations.
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Schedule of Trains from Howrah Jn to Jajpur K Road Train Departure Arrival 58001, Howrah Jn - Puri Passenger Runs on ALL DAYS 00:05 08:25 12510, Guwahati-bangalore Express Runs on MON TUE WED 01:05 05:56 12514, Guwahati - Secunderabad Jn Express Runs on FRI 01:05 05:56 12516, Guwahati - Thiruvananthapuram Central Express Runs on THU 01:05 05:56 12508, Guwahati - Thiruvananthapuram Central Express Runs on SAT 01:05 05:56 12821, Howrah Jn-bbs - Puri Dhauli Expre Runs on ALL DAYS 06:00 11:05 12703, Howrah Jn - Secunderabad Jn Falaknuma Express Runs on ALL DAYS 07:25 12:10 18645, Howrah Jn - Hyderabad Decan East Coast Express Runs on ALL DAYS 11:45 17:52 12073, Howrah Jn - Bhubaneswar Jan Shatabdi Runs on ALL DAYS 13:25 18:15 12277, Howrah Jn - Puri Shatabdi Express Runs on ALL DAYS 14:25 19:00 12841, Howrah-chennai Coromandal Runs on ALL DAYS 14:50 19:38 18409, Sri Jagannath Express Runs on ALL DAYS 19:00 00:32 12863, Howrah Yesvantpur Express Runs on ALL DAYS 20:35 01:33 12887, Howrah Jn - Puri Superfast Weekly Runs on MON 20:55 02:09 22803, Howrah Jn - Sambalpur Superfast Weekly Runs on SAT 20:55 02:09 12895, Howrah Jn - Puri Weekly Superfast Express Runs on FRI 20:55 02:09 12881, Howrah Jn - Puri Garib Rath Runs on TUE THU 20:55 02:09 12837, Howrah - Puri Express Runs on ALL DAYS 22:35 03:20 15644, Kamakhya - Puri Express Runs on FRI 23:15 04:13 15228, Muzaffarpur-yesvantpur Express Runs on MON 23:15 04:51 18047, Howrah Jn - Vasco Da Gamaamaravathi Express Runs on MON TUE THU SAT 23:30 04:13 12839, Howrah Jn - Chennai Central Mail Runs on ALL DAYS 23:45 04:36
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