Bairagarh to Bhopal Train Time Table Get information on arrival and departure times of all trains passing from Bairagarh to Bhopal.
The distance between Bairagarh and Bhopal is 12 km . The time taken to cover the distance is 33 minutes . The distance and time values are average values of all trains across all routes between the two stations.
Schedule of Trains from Bairagarh to Bhopal Train Departure Arrival 19301, Yeshvantpur Express Runs on MON 01:19 Bairagarh 01:35 Bhopal* 59389, Ind - Bhopal Jn Passenger Runs on ALL DAYS 04:50 Bairagarh 05:30 Bhopal Jn 12968, Jaipur Madras Express Runs on MON SAT 06:45 Bairagarh 07:05 Bhopal* 12970, Jaipur - Coimbatore Jn Superfast Express Runs on WED 06:45 Bairagarh 07:05 Bhopal* 12976, Jaipur - Mysore Jn Superfast Express Runs on TUE THU 06:45 Bairagarh 07:05 Bhopal* 11465, Somnath - Jabalpur Express Runs on SUN TUE 08:03 Bairagarh 08:30 Bhopal Jn 11463, Somnath - Jabalpur Express Runs on MON WED THU FRI SAT 08:03 Bairagarh 08:45 Bhopal* 22632, Bikaner Jn - Chennai Central Anurat Weekly Express Runs on MON 09:13 Bairagarh 09:50 Bhopal Jn 19323, Indore - Habibganj Intercity Express Runs on ALL DAYS 10:28 Bairagarh 10:45 Bhopal* 19711, Jaipur - Bhopal Jn Express Runs on ALL DAYS 10:50 Bairagarh 11:25 Bhopal Jn 01705, Bandra Terminus - Jabalpur Superfast Special Runs on SAT 10:52 Bairagarh 11:25 Bhopal* 59393, Dahod - Habibganj Passenger Runs on ALL DAYS 15:12 Bairagarh 16:20 Bhopal* 12919, Malwa Express Runs on ALL DAYS 16:43 Bairagarh 17:25 Bhopal Jn 59385, Indore Jn Bg - Chhindwara Jn Panchvelly F/p Runs on ALL DAYS 17:26 Bairagarh 17:55 Bhopal* 14319, Indore - Bareilly Express Runs on THU 21:23 Bairagarh 21:50 Bhopal Jn 59319, Ujjain Jn - Bhopal Jn Passenger Runs on ALL DAYS 21:50 Bairagarh 22:15 Bhopal Jn 11471, Indore - Jabalpur Overnight Express Runs on ALL DAYS 22:10 Bairagarh 22:20 Bhopal* 18233, Indore Jn Bg - Bilaspur Jn Narmada Express Runs on ALL DAYS 22:53 Bairagarh 23:15 Bhopal*
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