Rasulpur to Talandu Train Time Table This is a listing of arrival and departure times of all trains passing from Rasulpur (code: RSLR) to Talandu (code: TLO) railway stations.
The distance between Rasulpur and Talandu is 37 km . The time taken to cover the distance is 36 minutes . The distance and time values are average values of all trains across all routes between the two stations.
Schedule of Trains from Rasulpur to Talandu Train Departure Arrival 37812, Barddhaman - Howrah Jn Local Runs on ALL DAYS 03:24 03:59 37786, Barddhaman - Bandel Jn Local Runs on ALL DAYS 03:54 04:30 37814, Barddhaman - Howrah Jn Local Runs on ALL DAYS 04:24 05:00 37816, Barddhaman - Howrah Jn Local Runs on ALL DAYS 05:24 06:00 37818, Barddhaman - Howrah Jn Local Runs on ALL DAYS 06:01 06:37 37820, Barddhaman - Howrah Jn Local Runs on ALL DAYS 06:37 07:13 37782, Barddhaman - Bandel Jn Local Runs on ALL DAYS 07:04 07:40 37824, Barddhaman - Howrah Jn Local Runs on ALL DAYS 07:19 07:55 37826, Barddhaman - Howrah Jn Local Runs on ALL DAYS 07:57 08:33 37828, Barddhaman - Howrah Jn Local Runs on ALL DAYS 08:42 09:22 37830, Barddhaman - Howrah Jn Local Runs on ALL DAYS 09:05 09:41 37832, Barddhaman - Howrah Jn Local Runs on ALL DAYS 10:25 11:10 37834, Barddhaman - Howrah Jn Local Runs on ALL DAYS 11:41 12:17 37836, Barddhaman - Howrah Jn Local Runs on ALL DAYS 12:44 13:22 37838, Barddhaman - Howrah Jn Local Runs on ALL DAYS 13:59 14:35 31152, Barddhaman - Sealdah Local Runs on ALL DAYS 14:59 15:35 37840, Barddhaman - Howrah Jn Local Runs on ALL DAYS 15:34 16:10 37842, Barddhaman - Howrah Jn Local Runs on ALL DAYS 16:49 17:25 37846, Barddhaman - Howrah Jn Local Runs on SAT 17:44 18:19 37844, Barddhaman - Howrah Jn Local Runs on SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI 17:44 18:19 37848, Barddhaman - Howrah Jn Local Runs on ALL DAYS 18:19 18:55 37850, Barddhaman - Howrah Jn Local Runs on ALL DAYS 18:59 19:35 37852, Barddhaman - Howrah Jn Main Local Runs on ALL DAYS 20:14 20:49 37854, Barddhaman - Howrah Jn Non - Stop Local Runs on ALL DAYS 20:59 21:35 37784, Barddhaman - Bandel Jn Local Runs on MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 21:19 21:55 63502, Barddhaman - Howrah Jn Local Runs on ALL DAYS 22:16 22:52
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