Lucknow Junction to Badshahnagar Train Time Table This is a listing of arrival and departure times of all trains passing from Lucknow Junction (code: LJN) to Badshahnagar (code: BNZ) railway stations.
The distance between Lucknow Junction and Badshahnagar is 11 km . The time taken to cover the distance is 32 minutes . The distance and time values are average values of all trains across all routes between the two stations.
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Schedule of Trains from Lucknow Junction to Badshahnagar Train Departure Arrival 12530, Lucknow Junction - Patliputra S F Runs on MON WED FRI 05:00 05:28 55050, Passenger Runs on ALL DAYS 05:15 06:00 13020, Bagh Express Runs on ALL DAYS 06:20 07:03 19037, Avadh Express Runs on SUN TUE THU FRI 06:45 07:30 19039, Avadh Express Runs on MON WED SAT 06:45 07:27 64272, Lucknow Junction - Barabanki Jn Memu Runs on ALL DAYS 08:30 09:00 12512, Raptisagar Express Runs on TUE THU FRI 10:05 10:30 12590, Secunderabad Jn - Gorakhpur Express Runs on SAT 10:05 10:30 12522, Rapti Sagar Express Runs on SUN 10:05 10:30 12592, Bangalore - Gorakhpur Express Runs on WED 10:05 10:30 15046, Okha - Gorakhpur Express Runs on TUE 14:00 14:23 15204, Lucknow-barauni Express Runs on ALL DAYS 15:00 15:43 12532, Lucknow Junction - Gorakhpur Intercity Express Runs on ALL DAYS 16:35 16:56 64274, Lucknow Junction - Barabanki Jn Memu Runs on ALL DAYS 18:15 18:50 18192, Farrukhabad - Chhapra Express Runs on ALL DAYS 18:55 19:28 05066, Lucknow Junction - Chhapra Express Runs on MON SAT 20:25 20:52 15054, Lucknow Junction - Chhapra Express Runs on ALL DAYS 20:50 21:26 15008, Krishak Express Runs on ALL DAYS 23:10 23:38
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