Ichchpuram to Sompeta Train Time Table This is a listing of arrival and departure times of all trains passing from Ichchpuram (code: IPM) to Sompeta (code: SPT) railway stations.
The distance between Ichchpuram and Sompeta is 18 km . The time taken to cover the distance is 14 minutes . The distance and time values are average values of all trains across all routes between the two stations.
Schedule of Trains from Ichchpuram to Sompeta Train Departure Arrival 18515, Tatanagar Jn - Visakhapatnam Weekly Express Runs on TUE 01:05 01:18 22809, Paradeep - Visakhapatnam Weekly Superfast Express Runs on THU 04:13 04:30 18463, Bhubaneswar - Ksr Bengaluru Prashanti Runs on ALL DAYS 08:23 08:40 12839, Howrah Jn - Chennai Central Mail Runs on ALL DAYS 09:33 09:50 22819, Bhubaneswar - Visakhapatnam Superfast Express Runs on ALL DAYS 10:19 10:31 17015, Bhubaneswar - Secunderabad Jn Visakha Express Runs on ALL DAYS 11:28 11:41 58417, Puri - Gunupur Passenger Runs on ALL DAYS 13:05 13:20 22879, Bhubaneswar - Tirupati Superfast Weekly Runs on SAT 14:48 15:01 22871, Bhubaneswar - Tirupati Superfast Weekly Runs on SUN 14:48 15:01 17479, Puri - Tirupati Express Runs on SUN MON WED THU FRI 16:47 16:59 11020, Konark Express Runs on ALL DAYS 18:18 18:31 78505, Brahmapur - Palasa Passenger Runs on ALL DAYS 22:33 22:48 18645, Howrah Jn - Hyderabad Decan East Coast Express Runs on ALL DAYS 23:28 23:41 18447, Bhubaneswar - Jagdalpur Hirakhand Express Runs on ALL DAYS 23:42 23:55 58419, Bhubaneswar - Palasa Passenger Runs on ALL DAYS 23:43 23:58
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