Hyderabad to Medchal Train Time Table Get information on arrival and departure times of all trains passing from Hyderabad to Medchal.
The distance between Hyderabad and Medchal is 32 km . The time taken to cover the distance is 1 hour 5 minutes . The distance and time values are average values of all trains across all routes between the two stations.
Schedule of Trains from Hyderabad to Medchal Train Departure Arrival 77601, Secunderabad Jn - Medchal Demu Runs on SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI 04:05 Secunderabad Jn 05:25 Medchal 57561, Kacheguda - Manmad Jn Passenger Runs on ALL DAYS 04:50 Kacheguda 06:15 Medchal 57601, Kacheguda - Nizamabad Passenger Runs on ALL DAYS 06:00 Kacheguda 07:05 Medchal 77603, Secunderabad Jn - Manoharabad Demu Runs on SUN MON TUE WED THU SAT 06:10 Secunderabad Jn 06:59 Medchal 17639, Kacheguda - Akola Jn Express Runs on MON 07:10 Kacheguda 08:10 Medchal 17641, Kacheguda - Narkher Runs on SUN TUE WED THU FRI SAT 07:10 Kacheguda 08:10 Medchal 77679, Kcg Falaknuma - Medchal Demu Runs on SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI 08:50 Kacheguda 10:15 Medchal 57690, Kacheguda - Nizamabad Passenger Runs on MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 09:50 Kacheguda 10:54 Medchal 77607, Secunderabad Jn - Medchal Demu Runs on SUN MON TUE WED THU SAT 09:50 Secunderabad Jn 10:50 Medchal 57307, Kacheguda - Medchal Passenger Runs on ALL DAYS 10:15 Kacheguda 11:40 Medchal 77609, Kcg Falaknuma - Manoharabad Demu Runs on SUN MON TUE WED FRI SAT 10:25 Kacheguda 11:58 Medchal 77681, Kcg Falaknuma - Medchal Demu Runs on SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI 13:51 Kacheguda 15:00 Medchal 77613, Secunderabad Jn - Manoharabad Demu Runs on SUN MON TUE WED FRI SAT 15:00 Secunderabad Jn 15:49 Medchal 17020, Hyderabad Decan - Ajmer Express Runs on SAT 15:15 Hyderabad* 16:15 Medchal 57473, Kacheguda - Bodhan Passenger Runs on ALL DAYS 16:10 Kacheguda 18:00 Medchal 77615, Secunderabad Jn - Medchal Demu Runs on SUN MON TUE WED THU SAT 16:45 Secunderabad Jn 18:00 Medchal 17064, Secunderabad Jn - Manmad Jn Ajantha Express Runs on ALL DAYS 18:10 Secunderabad Jn 18:44 Medchal 77617, Secunderabad Jn - Manoharabad Demu Runs on SUN MON TUE WED FRI SAT 18:22 Secunderabad Jn 19:14 Medchal 57688, Kacheguda - Nizamabad Runs on ALL DAYS 18:55 Kacheguda 19:34 Medchal 57448, Mahbubnagar - Mirzapali Passenger Runs on ALL DAYS 19:00 Kacheguda 20:10 Medchal 77619, Secunderabad Jn - Medchal Demu Runs on SUN MON TUE WED THU SAT 20:45 Secunderabad Jn 21:55 Medchal 19714, Secunderabad Jn - Jaipur Express Runs on MON 21:20 Secunderabad Jn 22:09 Medchal 57563, Hyderabad Decan - Parbhani Jn Passenger Runs on ALL DAYS 22:40 Hyderabad* 00:10 Medchal
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