Goa to Chiplun Train Time Table Get information on arrival and departure times of all trains passing from Goa to Chiplun.
The distance between Goa and Chiplun is 442 km . The time taken to cover the distance is 5 hours 30 minutes . The distance and time values are average values of all trains across all routes between the two stations.
Schedule of Trains from Goa to Chiplun Train Departure Arrival 12483, Kochuveli Express Runs on THU 01:30 Madgaon 06:20 Chiplun 12617, Mangala Lakshadweep Express Runs on ALL DAYS 03:10 Madgaon 09:10 Chiplun 22476, Coimbatore Jn - Bikaner Jn Ac Superfast Express Runs on SUN 04:00 Madgaon 09:50 Chiplun 22630, Tirunelveli - Dadar Express Runs on THU 04:00 Madgaon 09:50 Chiplun 19331, Kochuveli - Indore Jn Bg Express Runs on SAT 04:00 Madgaon 09:50 Chiplun 16346, Netravathi Express Runs on ALL DAYS 05:05 Madgaon 10:30 Chiplun 11086, Madgaon - Lokmanyatilak Double Decker Express Runs on MON THU SAT 06:00 Madgaon 11:25 Chiplun 22633, Nizamuddin Express Runs on THU 08:25 Madgaon 13:40 Chiplun 10104, Mandovi Express Runs on ALL DAYS 09:15 Madgaon 15:27 Chiplun 19259, Kochuveli - Bhavnagar Trmus Express Runs on FRI 11:30 Madgaon 17:20 Chiplun 16336, Gandhidham Express Runs on WED 11:30 Madgaon 17:20 Chiplun 12052, Madgaon - Dadar Jan Shb Express Runs on ALL DAYS 14:30 Madgaon 18:43 Chiplun 22149, Ernakulam Jn - Pune Jn Superfast Express Runs on TUE FRI 17:20 Madgaon 22:20 Chiplun 22114, Kochuveli - Lokmanyatilak Bi-weekly Superfast Express Runs on MON THU 17:20 Madgaon 22:20 Chiplun 10112, Konkan Kanya Exp Runs on ALL DAYS 18:00 Madgaon 00:31 Chiplun 12741, Vasco Da Gama - Patna Jn Express Runs on WED 19:05 Goa* 01:10 Chiplun 12620, Matsyaganda Express Runs on ALL DAYS 20:40 Madgaon 01:36 Chiplun
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