Gandhidham Bg to Samakhiali B G Train Time Table This is a listing of arrival and departure times of all trains passing from Gandhidham Bg (code: GIMB) to Samakhiali B G (code: SIOB) railway stations.
The distance between Gandhidham Bg and Samakhiali B G is 52 km . The time taken to cover the distance is 54 minutes . The distance and time values are average values of all trains across all routes between the two stations.
Schedule of Trains from Gandhidham Bg to Samakhiali B G Train Departure Arrival 19152, Gandhidham Bg - Palanpur Jn Express Runs on ALL DAYS 06:00 07:01 22952, Gandhidham - Bandra Terminus Sf Weekly Express Runs on THU 06:50 07:45 16335, Nagercoil Express Runs on FRI 07:00 07:55 59425, Bhuj - Palanpur Jn Passenger Runs on ALL DAYS 08:10 09:23 16505, Gandhidham Bg - Ksr Bengaluru Expres Runs on TUE 09:00 09:50 11091, Bhuj - Pune Jn Express Runs on WED 10:25 11:18 15667, Gadhidham-kamakhya Express Runs on SAT 13:15 14:10 14312, Bhuj - Bareilly Runs on MON TUE THU 14:10 15:03 22829, Bhuj - Shalimar Express Runs on TUE 15:25 16:20 22904, Bhuj - Bandra Terminus Sf Ac Runs on MON THU SAT 17:20 18:08 12937, Garbha Express Runs on SAT 17:40 18:30 14322, Bhuj - Bareilly Express Runs on SUN WED FRI SAT 18:30 19:25 12960, Ddr-bhuj-ddr Bi Weekly Superfast Runs on MON THU 19:50 20:43 22956, Kutch Sf Express Runs on ALL DAYS 21:45 22:28 19453, Gandhidham - Puri Express Runs on WED 22:00 22:59 18502, Gandhidham Bg - Visakhapatnam Weekly Express Runs on SUN 22:45 23:40 12993, Gandhidham Bg - Puri Weekly Superfast Runs on FRI 22:45 23:40 22484, Jodhpur Express Runs on MON WED SAT 22:45 23:40 19116, Bhuj - Bandra Terminus Express Runs on ALL DAYS 23:55 00:48
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