Indian Railways Train Time Table

Londa Jn to Ahmedabad Jn Train Time Table

This is a listing of arrival and departure times of all trains passing from Londa Jn (code: LD) to Ahmedabad Jn (code: ADI) railway stations.

The distance between Londa Jn and Ahmedabad Jn is 1092 km. The time taken to cover the distance is . The distance and time values are average values of all trains across all routes between the two stations.

Find trains from Londa Jn to Ahmedabad (All stations)

Schedule of Trains from Londa Jn to Ahmedabad Jn
16534, Ksr Bengaluru - Bhagat Ki Kothi Express
Runs on MON
16506, Ksr Bengaluru - Gandhidham Bg Gandhidham Express
Runs on SUN
16508, Jodhpur Express
Runs on TUE THU
16532, Garib Nawaj Express
Runs on SAT
16210, Ajmer Express
Runs on WED FRI

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